Registration of Prospective New Students for International Students

Please provide accurate personal information as a prospective student. (*) Please fill in the fields marked with an asterisk.
File Size :
Uploaded Photo Description:
  • Formal Attire, with a red background
  • Photo file format: .jpg, .jpeg, or .png
  • Maximum file size: 500kb
Please provide your residential address as a prospective student. (*) This field must be filled in.

Fill without quotation mark (') or (")

Education History
Please provide your Education History as a prospective student. (*) This field must be filled in.
Please accurately fill in the Parent information for the prospective student
Father's Biodata

Mother's Biodata

Silahkan mengisi data Wali calon Mahasiswa dengan benar
Kebutuhan Khusus
Silahkan mengisi data Wali calon Mahasiswa dengan benar

Program Study Choices
Please select the desired study program for the prospective student. The First Program Study should be the primary choice, and the Second Program Study as the secondary choice. (*) This field must be filled in.
Enter Your Password
Enter a password of your choice for registering as a prospective student. The password must be at least 6 digits.
Please provide the source of information and enter the numbers located below for validation of the Registration form submission.

Fill the numbers above
